I realize I totally dropped off the face of the planet.
Not only did I pick up and move 1/2 way across the country but I am starting a new business. I bought out an all-ages club out in Boise where I used to live. The owners were retiring and as the only all-ages place if it wasn't bought out quickly it would have been shut down and that would leave a lot of kids on the street with no live music. With music getting kicked out of schools, it is really up to the private sector to keep it alive, so I felt a social and personal obligation to keep the place running.
I spent all my free time and money going to all-ages shows from the time I was 15 up until, well, honestly now, and since the stars all aligned I jumped at the chance to upgrade my status to "club owner". Right now it is all the gritty work, from cleaning out the nastiest greenroom you have ever seen to trying (unsuccessfully) to get the fire marshal to give me a new occupancy permit (I should have worn a lower cut blouse), and buying new microphones and patching the hole in the men's restroom. You know, the very un-glamourous part. Once I get our new website up I will post a link on the sidebar.
However, in a cool twist of events, The Ataris (my last post) happen to be one of the bands on my calendar for this month doing an acoustic set. Maybe if I bat my eyes and have good catering they will take my request to play "Boys of Summer".
So, bare with me as my posts will be spotty for the next few weeks while I set up shop and then move into my house at the beginning of next month.
I can't even think of the best song to describe my status right now so I will do something different. Our local record store was doing a freebie give away yesterday: a signed Peter Murphy CD cover with purchase of the CD. I thought people would be all over it, but I was the first one down. But, lucky me, I now have a CD signed by Peter Murphy and the CD was on sale for $10. Nice. Here is a great tune from his new album.
"I Spit Roses" - Peter Murphy