Thursday, December 16, 2010

it doesn't feel like christmas

You'd think that blogging about Christmas would help me feel Christmasier, but I got nuthin'.

Another "inclimate weather" day so that means Mr. IMo? has to go to work and I am home with cranky monsters who would rather be at school playing than at home stuck inside. So, since this is our second no-school day this week I have to come up with something, and I have decided that something is baking. We are going to bake Christmas cookies, Christmas cakes and Christmas goodies until it feels like Christmas. (Maybe listening to some Brian Setzer and moving our Saturday morning breakfast dance party to Thursday might help too.)

I have a long standing love for Toad the Wet Sprocket. They remind me of my junior year in high school. The year is a dark blank spot where I sort of checked out of the world, but I do remember listening to a lot of The Smiths, The Cure and Toad the Wet Sprocket. And the fact that they showed up in our town to do a concert was amazing. I was in the front row, which at The Crazy Horse wasn't usually saying much, but that was the only concert I attended there where the place was bursting at the seams. After the the show I gathered up a few guitar picks off the stage, and that was the beginning of my collection. It still rates as one of the top 10 concerts I've ever seen. The mixture of dark and happy memories seems fitting for today's song.

You can get a free download of the song at their website, just click the link below.


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