Wednesday, March 9, 2011

devil's dancefloor

For Mardi Gras I spent the night with the Irish Catholic crowd at Flogging Molly.

Outside of a festival, this was the most interactive, enthusiastic crowd I have ever seen. Mr. IMo? came with me and we decided to head straight for the balcony. Generally we are down in the pits, but he decided that mid-week he was no match for the drunken Irishmen on the floor. Looking down it was a fairly civil event but the sheer mass of the mosh was more than I was willing to tolerate.

It was a great show, and they played their best stuff and things they hadn't performed live in years. The show was almost identical to this one in Sydney, right down to the clothes everyone is wearing. I had not really noticed before in the music alone how much the bassist rocks; he was pretty much amazing.

"The Devil's Dancefloor" - Flogging Molly

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